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Come join your SISters as we dedicate ourselves to a special time in the Word, taking advantage of an opportunity to develop closer connections with the Lord and with one another, at the 2025 Forcey Women’s Spring Retreat. One thing we know for sure: as the Bible tells us, God wants His people to walk in freedom and liberty, to be set free spiritually. We’ll be taking a deep dive into Hebrews. We will examine the baggage that weighs us down and unlock the strategy for living free in Christ. Truly, whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Whether you’re 18* or 98, there is a Word here for you. So grab a girlfriend and secure your spot today as space is limited.

*Young ladies who are graduating from high school this spring are also welcome, even if they are 17 years old. See registration details.

Special note: We have special arrangements for our nursing mothers. 🙂

The Bible repeatedly gives us words of encouragement:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 11:39-12:3, ESV)


The prices per person are as follows:

$185 – One person, 1 queen
$120 – One person, Share 1 queen bed with a second woman in the room
$  80 –  Saturday & Meals only
$  5 –  Request round-trip transportation, as available

Contributions to a Scholarship Fund will be optionally available.


Tyra Lane-Kingsland is a public speaker, women’s ministry leader, health coach and author who is committed to seeing women live well holistically. Through her speaking engagements, coaching programs and books, Tyra equips women to walk in radiant health of the mind, body and spirit. Tyra holds a Health Minister Certification from Wesley Theological Seminary and is a Certified Natural Health Professional through Trinity School of Natural Health. She has also been recognized as a Competent Communicator by Toastmasters International. An avid writer, Tyra is a contributing author for several Christian publications including iBelieve. An attentive wife and mother of six, Tyra serves as the Director of the MOMSConnect Ministry at her local church. Tyra is on a passionate pursuit to equip women to LIVE FULLY!

Click here for more info on our speaker:


Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
1525 Marriottsville Rd.
Marriottsville, MD 21104

Overnight reservations include sleeping quarters. ALL the rooms have ONE QUEEN BED and one bathroom.

Each room may be used as a single or a double. However, roommates must understand that they will have to share one bed. If you want to share a room, you need to coordinate with your intended roommate in advance, because when registering, each sharer will need to give her intended roommate’s name (with prior agreement.)


For overnight guests, 3 meals are included: Friday evening dinner, Saturday breakfast and Saturday lunch.

Also, snacks will be available at breaks. You are welcome to bring your own snack and beverage (especially if you have dietary restrictions). A community refrigerator will be available in the hospitality area. Coffee, tea and water will always be available.


· All attendees must be at least 18 years old (except for 17-year-olds who expect to graduate this spring). All 17-year-olds must be accompanied by and share a room with an adult.

· Credit and debit card payments may be paid online with registration.

· Cash or check payments and registration are available on Sunday mornings in the church foyer from February 5 to February 23, 2025. Please make checks payable to “Forcey Bible Church” and write “SIS Retreat” in the memo space.

· Although payments are not refundable, registrations are transferable.

Please Click Here to Register


While women are at the retreat, their children, with their father, are invited to a time at Forcey for a casual play date and lunch on Saturday, March 15.

All ages welcome, as well as guys without kids! Available from 10am to 2pm with lunch around noon. Kids must attend with a responsible male adult (preferably their father). Families can come and go as they wish.

Chicken nuggets and vegetables will be provided. Families are welcome to bring additional food or snacks if desired or to accommodate any dietary restrictions.

Dad’s contact information may be provided at the women’s retreat registration and a separate sign up will be sent out to the men for the play date.

For men to sign up for Dads and Kids Play Date on March 15, visit for full details and registration.


A free van will transport a limited number of ladies from the Forcey parking lot promptly at 4pm to Bon Secours. It will return after the retreat ends on Saturday.

As to luggage on the van, please bring only a small overnight bag that can be stored on your lap or under the seat during travel.


On Friday, March 14, ladies may begin to check in at 5pm. Dinner starts at 6pm. Session will begin at 7pm. On Saturday, March 15, breakfast will be served at 8am. Sessions will begin at 9am. The conference will end at 5pm.

Detailed schedule:

March 14
5pm                 Arrival/Check-in starts
6-7pm             Dinner
7pm                 Program & Session 1
9pm                 Games & Activities

March 15, Saturday
7am                    Prayer
7:30-8:30am    Breakfast
8:30am              Session 2
10am                  Break & Checkout
10:30am            Session 3
12-1pm               Lunch
1pm                     Session 4
2:30pm              Break
3pm                    Session 5
5pm                    Retreat End


Bring a Bible, pen, paper, and personal items (such as hair dryers.)


Contact Linda Douglas at [email protected] or 301-821-1291.

This retreat is being sponsored by SIS, the women’s ministry of Forcey Bible Church.