Forcey offers a variety of Adult Bible Classes, which meet on Sunday mornings during the 9:15 and 11:00 services. Classes include Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF’s), which focus on growing a small community with focused learning and applying the Scriptures. There are also seasonal or “elective” classes that provide biblical perspective on special topics of interest. More than classes, though, all of these groups are communities that enjoy praying together and caring for one another.

Feel free to see the brief descriptions below. If you’d like to sign up for one or get more info, please click on the button below the chart to access our Church Center app where you can create an account and send a message directly to these leaders and there are more in depth details you can access there.

9:15 Service

11:00 Service

Special: Begin (Room 158) – For those newer to learning about the Bible, faith, and Jesus, looking for a fresh starting point in their faith, or just wanting a refresher of the basics of faith in Jesus. Join this 6-week study from 9/15-10/20. Anyone is welcome! Bruce/Claybrook ABF (Room 228) – This ABF has two focal points: Bible study and building community. The teaching includes an emphasis on class participation and a practical application of Scriptural truth. Currently studying Romans.
Young Adults ABF (Room 328) – We seek to provide fellowship, guidance, Bible study, and fun for college ages and young adults. Class begins at 9:30. Beall/Moore ABF (Room 150) – An ABF focusing on sharing life in prayer and in-depth teaching through a book of the Bible. Currently studying Isaiah.
Ladies Bible Class: Princess Warriors (Room 229; repeated on Tuesdays in room 150 and on zoom) – Join to connect with the Lord and other women to study “Luke: Gut-Level Compassion” to inspire women in their walk with Christ. Men’s Fellowship ABF (Room 220) – To help Forcey men grow in their faith and in Christlikeness through study, discussion, and fellowship. Currently studying: “Deeper,” by Dane Ortlund.
Special: Applied Theology with Cornerstone ABF (Fellowship Hall) – Join the Cornerstone ABF this fall for an applied theology study of salvation. Topics include justification, repentance and faith, eternal security, death and the intermediate state, and more! Zimmerman ABF (Room 327) – Longstanding  ABF that meets to pray together and study a book of Scripture; currently studying the book of Zechariah

Sign up for an ABF