Forcey Orchestra

October 11, 2021 | Bob Moore

We would like to invite anyone in the congregation who can play an instrument and read music at any level, to join the Forcey orchestra.


Our aim is to worship the Lord through music. Joining the orchestra would require a commitment to rehearsal once a week for one hour every Tuesday night at 6:30pm in the church sanctuary, and a commitment to play for both our first and second service when required. At present we have strings, woodwind, and brass wind instruments with only a couple players in each section. We aim to add to each section so that we can more approximate a full orchestra and expand our repertoire.



Playing in the orchestra has so many advantages. Apart from the fellowship we enjoy with like-minded believers, one has the opportunity to learn, enjoy, and explore new exciting and God-honoring music beautifully arranged by our faithful conductor, Bob Moore. In addition, the mere act of playing regularly in an ensemble hones one’s musical skills and improvement on one’s instrument is inevitable!

Contact Bob Moore or Lonnie Harris if you are interested in learning more or would like to join in!

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Forcey Orchestra

| Bob Moore