We will be having an informational meeting for interested volunteers this Sunday, October 6, 2024, after second service in room 150. Invite a friend! For additional questions or to sign up as a volunteer for ESL Ministry, please email Mario @ [email protected].

We want to share that our beloved Missions Administrator, Ann Hunt is retiring. Though we will miss her dearly in this role, we offer our heartfelt support and prayers for this new chapter in her life. Please join us in thanking her for 21 years of service to the missions program and FBC admin team, next Sunday during the Potluck Luncheon.

Missions Weekend is one week away from now! 

Men, please register for the Men’s Fall Conference Breakfast on Saturday. 10/12!
Register here: 
Fall Missions Conference | Forcey Bible Church for a discount.
Tickets are $10 at the door.

Potluck Luncheon after 2nd service, Sunday. 10/13. Sign up online, www.PerfectPotluck.com/MZIH2857 or in the foyer.

Conference Projects: College education sponsorship for 2 girls from Pokot orphanage, continuance of Christian broadcasting in the Middle East, and a project in Southeast Asia.

We will be accepting donations for the Conference Projects starting October 7th. Donate here!

Our Annual Meeting will be Sunday 10/20 at 1:45pm with lunch provided after church! All members should look forward to attending as we will celebrate God’s work in the previous year and trust God for his work in the coming year. There is always an open time of questions and questions can also be submitted in advance to [email protected].

This October 18th is the annual Fun Run Raiser to benefit the Forcey Christian School Annual Fund! To find out more about our fundraising goals, incentive prizes for students, and how funds will be distributed, please visit https://fcs.school/annual-fund/.

Donation links are live and ready at https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=2vin5qeqoeb#/home/.

Thank you for considering a donation to the Forcey Christian School annual Fun Run Raiser!

Trunk or Treat is coming!

Read more info: Trunk or Treat | October 26, 2024 | Forcey Bible Church
Date & Time: Saturday, October 26, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
For volunteering: Forcey Bible Church: Trunk or Treat (signupgenius.com)

Ignite Your Soul
Men’s Retreat 2024
November 15-17
Skycroft Conference Center, Middletown, Maryland

In our fast paced, divided, and demanding world, it is easy to find our spiritual fervor waning. It is time to IGNITE THE FERVOR within us. Join the men of FBC for a weekend of comradery, relevant messages, man-fun, reflection, relaxation, fellowship around the fire and opportunity to hear from God.
Throughout the weekend, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Take a hard look at your life and identify the next steps to grow.
  • Learn the ways of Jesus to live out your faith in everyday life.
  • Connect with other men who are on the same journey as you.
  • Practice the Presence of Jesus and Experience God’s grace.

Retreats are not for the faint of heart. You will be stretched out of your comfort zone, but you will find the reward of a greater sense of purpose, direction, and hope. The FBC Men’s Retreat is a weekend that you do not want to miss!

Visit https://bit.ly/ForceyMensretreat to register and see more details and discounts!