Join us on Saturday, January 18, from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM at Forcey for an in-depth study of biblical interpretation principles (known as hermeneutics). Walk away with greater confidence in understanding God’s Word, along with practical skills to interpret and apply Scripture to your life and the world around you. The event is free. Please register at to help us plan for food and materials. A light breakfast and snacks will be provided.
Our next Forcey Connects will be held after the second service on Sunday, January 19th. It will be a wonderful opportunity for newcomers to meet with the leadership and fellowship. Light refreshments will be served.
Join Pastor Mike & Meg for this great marriage retreat in Reston, VA, April 25-27. Registration is now 50% off through January 20th! As you register, use the group code ForceyBibleChurch and please email Ketsia ([email protected]) so we can include you in group updates. Register at
ESL Teacher Training, hosted by Ministry to North America, will be held on January 24-25th, here at Forcey in the Fellowship Hall. If you’re ready to share your faith and help others learn English, or for further information please contact Mario Michel at [email protected].
Save the Date for the next Missions Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, January 25th.
Our Strategic Planning Team is hosting two “Family Talks” events to gather input from the congregation, helping us discern the Lord’s leading in our 3- to 5-year plan.
Please join us on Sunday, January 26, at 12:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall (bring your own lunch – light snacks will be provided) or on Monday, February 24, at 6:30 PM at Forcey to share your thoughts and ideas with us.
Let us continue to pray for this process, for apart from Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5).
What is it? Fifteen men will have the opportunity to speak for five minutes on any topic of their choice. What better way to celebrate the diversity of the men at Forcey than with an event that allows guys to share their passions, careers, pursuits, challenges, skills, and hobbies?
The event, which begins with a hearty breakfast, offers a great chance to meet other men and build new friendships over shared interests!
Speakers Needed! – If you’re interested in speaking, please contact Walter Fountain at [email protected].