What’s In A Window

February 1, 2019 | Michael Foster

One of my favorite moments at Forcey so far was early on a Sunday morning in the fall. I met Rick Claybrook in the worship center around 7:30am as he was leading music that day. Noticing how the low morning sun was perfectly lighting the stained glass panes in the back, Rick began to explain to me the symbolism in our extraordinary windows. The stained glass, of course, beautifully depicts the unity of our diverse church body. I had long appreciated how our windows contain such unique, ornate, intricate individual pieces of glass that become even more stunningly beautiful when grouped together in a grand design. But I had never noticed (and, I have learned since, neither have many others) the blue outline around the six windows on the back wall. Rick pointed out this border of a structure which represents our church. And then Rick highlighted how the glass erratically – yet purposefully and even forcefully –  breaks out of that structure into new space. That outburst of glass represents the work of the Spirit in us that surges forth into the world. What a picture! What a vision! And unfortunately, unless you’re on stage like I am on most Sundays, you easily miss it! Now, when I’m preaching, I’m very conscious of what’s behind you. It calls me to see the beauty of each person in our Forcey family. It cries out for me to build unity. It compels me to go into all the world. 

The Lord Jesus has clearly spoken to us in Ephesians about all that our windows portray. We are God’s handiwork – His masterpiece – created for a special purpose (2:10). We are better together – heirs together, members together of one body, sharers together in the promise in Christ (3:6). And we are meant to break out into this world, fearlessly making known the gospel (6:19).  

Currently we have a team working with a partner to design a fresh website and logo. We believe the stained glass motif still has rich meaning for us and can also resonate in our community. Pray for our team and partner as they seek to upgrade our current logo but still capture much of the symbolism in our windows.

I understand (and look forward to someone showing me the newspaper articles that covered this) that our windows received a lot of attention from our community and even won some kind of award. And that’s truly great! And even greater will be the Lord rewarding us for being a church that fulfills the vision of our windows! May it be so! Forcey family – let’s keep what’s behind us in front of us!

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What’s In A Window

February 1, 2019 | Michael Foster