Soul Winning

March 1, 2020 | Ralph Zimmerman

“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Eccl 11:1). When a soul winner sows the seed of the gospel, many years may pass before that seed comes to fruition. Oftentimes, the one initially sowing the gospel seed is not present when the harvest finally arrives. However, when the soul winner does see the fruit of his labor from years before, it is indeed a time for rejoicing (Ps 126:6).

Recently, a Forcey member, while concluding his visits at a local hospital, entered the room of a middle-aged patient named Robert. After a brief time of getting acquainted, the Forcey member transitioned the conversation to the gospel. Robert listened intently to the plan of salvation. As the Forcey member was about to complete his gospel presentation, three visitors walked into the room—Robert’s older brother with his wife and daughter. Finding out that Robert’s brother was a pastor in Rhode Island, the Forcey member offered to leave to allow the two brothers to spend time together. However, Robert’s brother insisted that he continue with the gospel presentation. Within a few minutes, Robert was ready to receive Christ. Humbly bowing his head, he called upon the Lord Jesus to save his soul. Robert’s brother, along with his wife and daughter, rejoiced greatly at his salvation, explaining that they had been praying many years for him to be saved.

As he prepared to leave, the family thanked the Forcey member profusely for leading Robert to Christ, rejoicing especially that they were there to share that moment with him.


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Soul Winning

March 1, 2020 | Ralph Zimmerman